My Personal Fitness Journey

Charlotte Hill
3 min readNov 27, 2020

Hello, My name is Charlotte and I am going to be keeping a record of my journey in the hope it will help others (eventually)
So let me explain why.

I am a graphic design student living in Devon in the UK and i am currently studying all things surrounding fitness and body confidence and learning as i go, it has come to my attention that so many women struggle with low self-confidence many of whom struggle to lose weight. There are so many fad diets out there so i want to get this straight first and foremost, i will not be documenting any fad diets nor will i be promoting detoxes or diet pills. My journey starts by INCREASING my calorie consumption and working alongside a PT once a week, i am currently on week 2 eating 1500 calories a day which to many people may seem like quite a lot of calories for a weight loss diet, I know it did for me. So two weeks in.. what have i noticed?

• I am never hungry
• I have more energy and therefore I am moving more
• My body has started to become regular — I feel like my body is starting to trust me again after years of underfeeding.
• I am happier and trusting in the process
• I am finding out more and more about body confidence
• Calorie counting can be difficult and some days i want to eat more other days less than my target, but up or down 100 calories makes little difference as long as I am consistent with my intake in a roundabout way.
• I have made a commitment to myself — for myself and nobody else and i am accountable for my actions.
• I have not set an end date — having a regimented idea about when this journey will end is not conducive to changing my lifestyle. My weight loss journey will end when i am comfortable with the way i see myself. My fitness journey will not end as there will be a point where i feel i would like to maintain my appearance rather than change.

In the last two weeks, I have lost 2 pounds. It is not quick, it is not always easy but I know If I can change my habits long term, my weight loss and my fitness level will be consistent.

I am hoping this insight into the fitness world and documenting my own journey will help me with my final major project for university where i aim to create a solution/support for women in my local area to access so they can gain accurate information about becoming a healthier version of themselves without the need to starve or supplement their diets with fad products that have no scientific proof to support the claims these brands make. I do not know what exactly my project will entail as yet but there are some key components which are important for me to include — Every BODY is welcome, there will be no body shaming, I would like to normalise rolls, blemishes, scars, stretch marks, etc, It will be a safe space and hopefully a community spirit of support for each other.

